Bomba Atomica - Champagne Philipponnat

Bomba Atomica

3 minutes de lecture

A delicious recipe by chef Simone Zanoni

Bomba Atomica - Champagne Philipponnat

Discover the BOMBA ATOMICA recipe for risotto with ceps, champagne and pressed grape juice by Chef Simone Zanoni, chef at Le George restaurant in the Four Seasons Hotel George V in Paris.

Siete pronti?


See the video of the recipe, here or here 


Serves 4

  • 400g Carnaroli rice 🛒
  • 1/2 glass grape juice: Chardonnay and Pinot Noir
  • 1/2 glass champagne
  • approximately 700g ceps
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 40g butter
  • 40g Parmesan cheese 🛒
  • Thyme
  • 3 sprigs flat-leaf parsley
  • Salt, pepper
  • Olive oil 🛒
  • Approximately 1 litre home-made stock
Bomba Atomica - Champagne Philipponnat
  1. For the stock: use leftover chicken, vegetable peelings, garlic and button mushroom stems. Add 2 litres of water and leave to marinate for a few hours.
  2. Warm your saucepan with just a touch of butter and pour in the rice. Toast it, stirring continuously and energetically. Add salt and pepper. Pour in half a glass of pressed grape juice and half a glass of champagne. Keep stirring until the wine evaporates. Only the rice should remain.
  3. Pour three ladles of stock over the rice.
  4. Cut 4 ceps in half, trim them and heat your frying pan on high until it smokes. Oil the pan. Cook the mushrooms until browned. Add salt and pepper and set aside.
  5. Cut the remaining ceps into strips and heat the frying pan in the same way (it should smoke). Oil the pan. Cook the mushrooms. Add salt and pepper. Brush with olive oil. Add the garlic cloves and a little thyme. The mushrooms must be cooked until golden brown. Set the mushrooms aside.
  6. Add two more ladles of stock to the rice. Let the rice soak it up.
  7. Add the ceps to the risotto pan. Pour in two more ladles of stock. Stir the risotto well to soak it up.
  8. Prepare the flat-leaf parsley by removing the leaves and chopping them with a knife.
  9. Stir the risotto again. Add a final ladle of stock. The rice should be transparent with a white centre. Remove from the heat and set aside for two minutes.
  10. Last, add the parsley, then the Parmesan and butter. Stir vigorously.
  11. Arrange the plates with some mushrooms, parsley and Parmesan.


Chef’s tip

Add more stock if the risotto becomes too thick, and always serve on a warm plate to prevent the risotto from cooling on contact.

Bomba Atomica - Champagne Philipponnat